Hypnotherapy is a safe, complementary health care treatment that uses the hypnotic state to help people with specific symptoms or conditions. It may be used to treat phobias, anxiety, pain management, weight loss, smoking cessation, and many other issues.

Hypnosis has been used in various ways to aid specific symptoms or health problems since the 1700s. However, modern research has more thoroughly explored the therapeutic uses of hypnosis and how effective it may be in treating specific illnesses.

The treatment process consists of several sessions that usually last between two and six hours. The first session is more of an interview session in which the therapist gets to know your goals and concerns.

During this session, the therapist will be able to identify the root cause of your problem and guide you towards a solution. The therapist will then use the positive power of hypnosis to help you move forward from where you are now, to where you want to be.

You will also have access to a personalised recording that you can listen to at home which will help to reinforce your changes. Most clients see solid change toward their goals after only a few sessions.

Weight Loss Hypnosis

The goal of hypnotherapy for weight loss is to change how you think about food and lose unwanted weight. Through hypnosis, you will be able to break the habit of eating too much and replace it with healthier habits.

Hypnotherapy is a safe, natural and effective method to lose weight, eat less and stop smoking. Through hypnosis, you can learn to overcome your limiting behaviors and gain confidence in yourself so that you can achieve your healthy weight and stay there permanently.

Hypnotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for smoking cessation. It is a safe, effective method for breaking the habit. It can also be a complementary treatment to other therapies. if you are Looking for hypnotherapy in Melbourne than contact with us

Ready to Quit Smoking Program

Are you looking for a safe, effective way to stop smoking quickly and easily? quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne is personalised and designed to target your specific smoking triggers.

You will receive a comprehensive consultation in which we will discuss all of the issues that usually lead you to smoke, including possible weight gain, being around other smokers and cravings and urges. We will then design a programme that is tailored specifically to you so you can get started on the road to being free from your smoking habit.

Then each session focuses on reprogramming the unconscious mind to respond to the smoking triggers in a different way. We will also work on disconnecting those triggers so that you can feel and taste the benefits of a smoke-free life, without triggering those cravings.

CBT and Hypnotherapy Together

There is a lot more scientific support for cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) than there is for hypnosis. While it may take some extra effort, CBT can help you to think systematically about your smoking triggers and develop strategies that will make quitting easier.

Unlike a hypnosis tape, CBT sessions usually involve face-to-face visits with a qualified therapist. This may be the more expensive option, but it can give you a much better chance of success.